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Successfully Navigating Life Post-Study Abroad Experience

A bunch of students doing group study

Studying abroad is an incredible experience that can expand your horizons, teach you new skills, and help you to grow as a person. However, returning home after studying abroad can be challenging. You may experience culture shock, reverse homesickness, and difficulty finding a job that matches your skills and experience.

Here are some tips for successfully navigating life post-study abroad:

  • Give yourself time to adjust. It takes time to readjust to life back home after living in a foreign country. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself time to process your experiences.

  • Stay connected with your new friends and contacts. Don't let your study abroad network go to waste. Stay in touch with your friends and contacts from abroad, both online and offline. This can help you to maintain a sense of connection to your study abroad experience and make it easier to find a job or internship after graduation.

  • Highlight your study abroad experience on your resume and in job interviews. Be sure to mention your study abroad experience on your resume and in job interviews. This shows potential employers that you are adaptable, culturally competent, and have a global perspective.

  • Network with other study abroad alumni. There are many organizations and online communities for study abroad alumni. Connecting with other alumni can help you to find job opportunities, get advice on adjusting to life back home, and make new friends.

  • Reconnect with old friends and family. Spending time with the people you love can help you to feel more grounded and connected to home. Make an effort to reach out to your friends and family and let them know what you've been up to.

  • Get involved in activities that you enjoy. Doing things that you love can help you to feel more at home. Join a club or sports team, volunteer, or take up a new hobby.

If you are struggling to find a job after studying abroad, consider working with a career counselor. A career counselor can help you to identify your skills and interests, develop a job search strategy, and prepare for job interviews.

24Northstar is a study abroad and career counseling company that specializes in helping students and recent graduates to navigate the study abroad process and find jobs after graduation. Our team of experienced counselors can help you to choose the right study abroad program, write a winning resume, and ace your job interviews.

We also offer a variety of resources to help you to make the most of your study abroad experience and transition back to life after graduation. Visit our website today to learn more about our services.

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